Building QA Developer Tools at Sauce Labs
Company: Sauce Labs
Role: Senior UX Designer, Analytics & Insights
Date: May 2017 - April 2020
Designed a data visualization platform and identified metrics to improve a developer’s efficiency in testing. Informed users of their daily usages and tracked their history over time.
Projected to reduce over 60% of customer support tickets
75,000 visits per month
Test Details Redesign
Redesigned experience to help users quickly access their data and debug tests. Added access to features such as Network and Performance.
Generates 98% of all usage traffic in Sauce Labs
Improved flexibility, readability, and responsiveness.
Network feature saw an increase of 2.5x more usage since redesign
Peformance Testing
Designed a tool to improve user experience performance over time and keep bounce rate low from any website or app. Using performance based, user-centric metrics, and Google Lighthouse API.